Dignitaries storm Abonnema for the 60th Birthday Celebration of Oil Mogul, Chief. Dumo Lulu-Briggs

Abonnema town in Rivers State was agog as Oil mogul and Chairman of Platform Petroleum Limited, Chief Barr. Dumo Lulu-Briggs marked his 60th birthday in a flamboyant style

The ceremony brought together the who’s who of society including the Amayanabo of Abonnema, HRM King Disreal Gbobo Bob Manuel II, Secretary to the State Government Dr. Tammy Danagogo, Chief Abiye Sekibo, Chief David Briggs, MD of NDDC Samuel Ogbuku, Hon. Major Jack, Former NDDC director Joy Nunieh and notable figures from the oil sector, Kalabari Chiefs, religious leaders amongst others .

The celebration was further graced by celebrities such as ex BB Naija reality stat Tacha, Guinness world holder and comedian Angel D Laff, and gospel singer Mercy Chinwo, adding a touch of stardom to the occasion.
In his characteristic spirit of generosity, Chief Lulu-Briggs distributed over 50 wheelchairs, walking aids, foodstuffs, and cash gifts to members of the community, bringing smiles and relief to many.

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