Tinubu Has Kept His Campaign Promise By Continuing Buhari’s Legacy Of Failure – Peter Obi

 Abuja – Former presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has once again criticized the administration of President Bola Tinubu, asserting that Tinubu has fulfilled his campaign promise to continue the legacy of former President Muhammadu Buhari, which Obi described as a legacy of failure.

Obi's comments were made during an interview on Arise News Night on Wednesday, coinciding with Nigeria's celebration of 25 years of uninterrupted democracy.
Throughout his campaign for the 2023 election, Tinubu, a prominent figure in the All Progressives Congress (APC), had pledged to maintain the “good work of President Buhari.” However, Obi and other opposition figures had consistently warned that such continuity would exacerbate Nigeria's existing problems rather than solve them.
Under Buhari’s administration, Nigeria faced escalating crises, with rising unemployment, a rapidly depreciating naira, and increasing insecurity marked by surges in kidnapping and terrorist attacks.
These issues led to a mass exodus of investors and farmers, worsening unemployment, and driving up the prices of food and other commodities. The administration’s attempts at economic reforms did little to alleviate these problems, leading to widespread social discontent.
Despite these warnings, the 2023 election, which has been widely criticized as one of the worst in Nigeria’s history, resulted in Tinubu's victory. Since taking office, Tinubu has initiated several reforms aimed at addressing the socio-economic crisis.
Notably, he removed the fuel subsidy, floated the naira, and embarked on a borrowing spree to fund a budget with significant allocations for luxury items and renovations of official quarters, rather than capital expenditures to create jobs.

According to Obi, these reforms have only worsened the economic situation. He provided stark statistics to illustrate the decline under Tinubu's administration:
- The exchange rate of the dollar has surged from 460 naira to 1,500 naira.
- The price of fuel has increased from 238 naira to about 700 naira.
- Diesel prices have jumped from 844 naira to 1,415 naira.
- The cost of a bag of rice has risen from 30,000-35,000 naira to about 80,000 naira.
- A bag of beans has increased from 30,000-35,000 naira to about 90,000 naira.
- The price of garri has gone up from 27,000-28,000 naira to 49,000-50,000 naira.
- The cost of a tuber of yam has escalated from 2,700-3,000 naira to about 10,000 naira.
- A basket of tomatoes has soared from 40,000 naira to over 150,000 naira.
- Electricity costs have risen from 66 kilowatts to over 200 kilowatts.
Obi remarked, “I’ve never made comments about one year in office. The reason why is simple. I would say that president Tinubu has kept to his campaign promises.
Throughout the campaign, he consistently maintained that he will continue from where Buhari stopped and he’s done very well. I would say excellent. I’ll give him an excellent pass mark.”
As Nigeria grapples with these escalating economic challenges, the discontent among its citizens is growing, raising concerns about potential social unrest.
Obi’s remarks reflect a broader sentiment among many Nigerians who are increasingly critical of the current administration’s handling of the nation's economy and security issues.

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