Saudi Arabia opens tourism for CHRISTIANS to visit ancient biblical sites like the real Mount Sinai, land of Midian and many more.

As Saudi Arabia increasingly opens up to tourists, a travel group in the country started offering this week a "first-ever Christian tour of rare sites," promising participants a close-up look at a controversial location believed to be the real Mount Sinai — the mountain where, according to the Bible, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

Saudi Arabia, which has been closed for tourism the last several decades and has a dismal record on human rights, decided to give tourist visas on the heels of the second delegation of evangelical leaders from America, hosted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last year and earlier this year.

Important biblical sites includes Living Jethro's Caves in the land of Midian," believed to be ancient Midian.

“This portends to be the most significant new archaeological site in modern history. We're tremendously blessed that the Saudi government is allowing us to visit the kingdom to see some of its rich historical and geographic treasures.” a tourist agent told newsmen.

Most notably, the group is visiting the Jebel al-Lawz mountain in the ancient land of Midian. Early Jewish, Christian and Bedouin traditions have long attested this site to be the real Mount Sinai.

The controversial theory contests the traditional location in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. On the north-west side of the mountain is the Split Rock of Horeb — a massive stone several stories tall, split down the middle, with evidence of water erosion at its base.

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