Daddy freeze responds to church officials allegedly stealing Winners Church offerings

In a sad incident that occurred in Winner's Chapel last week, where high church officials were caught to have been stealing the church's money, is a very sad incident. Why will anointed men of God steal God's offering and still be claiming they were called by God, were they called by God to steal His money?

In daddy freeze response, he said the church buildings is not the house of God. He said, the money they stole, is it from Bishop Oyedepo's business enterprise? That, if it is, he should take or sue them to court. He said, if the money actually came from members donations, then,it should be shared equally among members, just like the disciples did in those days,the reason the disciples never lacked anything.
He said, pastors should always share the offerings among members, so that, there won't be stealing in the church

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