Terrorists Attack Kaduna Market, Kill 12

Terrorists, on Wednesday, invaded Maro Junction, a weekly market in Maro Ward, Kajuru Local Government Area of Kaduna State, killing no fewer than 12 persons.

It was learnt that the incident happened around 3pm. Cafra Casino, a former chairman of Kajuru LGA confirmed the incident.

He said 12 bodies had so far been recovered while about 20 others who sustained varying degrees of injury were taken to nearby hospital for medical attention.

Casino added that it was the second time terrorists were attacking the market while business transactions were on.

He said, “the situation is critical and has thrown residents around the area into confusion while they scampered for safety in neighbouring villages.

“Security operatives drafted to the area have already left. We are appealing to the government to deploy security operatives to help restore normalcy.”

As of the time of filing this report, there was no official confirmation either from the state government or the state police command.

A telephone call put on to the state Command’s Public Relations Officer, Mansir Hassan was unanswered and there was no response to the text message by our correspondent.

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