Ekiti exposes another sex predator

The Ekiti State Ministry Of Justice today published the details of another convicted sex offender. He is Bayo Akintewe, a 66-year-old man resident in Ado-Ekiti. Akintewe was convicted by a High Court sitting in Ado-Ekiti for the rape of a 16-year-old girl.

According to a statement from the office of the Ekiti State Attorney-General & Commissioner for Justice, Olawale Fapohunda, the publication is in furtherance of the 'name and shame sex offenders policy' of the Ekiti State Government. 

The Government of Ekiti State was the first state in Nigeria to open sex offenders register for the purpose of keeping records of convicted sex offenders in the State.

The State government recently introduced additional stringent measures to deter sex offenders. In addition to naming and shaming, persons convicted of sex offenses will not benefit from the Governor's powers of the prerogative of mercy and will, therefore, serve the full term of their prison sentence.

The State Government is currently reviewing the sex offenses provisions in its Criminal Code Law with a view to achieving the effective prosecution of sex offenders. Under the new proposals, the offense of rape will on conviction attract life imprisonment.

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