APC Primary: Edo people look forward to a future without Obaseki

From John Mayaki 

As the All Progressives Congress conducted its primary election yesterday across wards in Edo State, a predominant sentiment expressed by people who showed up in an organized and orderly manner to participate in the direct process was that of relief over the exit of the incumbent Governor Godwin Obaseki from the party, and the anticipation of a future without him at the helm after an expected defeat at the polls in September.

The voting centers where the people assembled in well-spaced lines had available giant buckets of waters, soaps, and hand sanitizers for people to wash their hands clean in compliance with safety guidelines. Additionally, designated party officials distributed protective face masks to those without them before letting them on to the line, and provided consistent education and announced and well-displayed dos and donts for the entire duration of the exercise.

Conversations with the people in both English and local languages of the communities showed that they were excited that the party proceeded with the process despite opposition from the Governor and his allies, and they were relieved that his about this ‘toxic presence’ in the political party has been brought an end.

“Governor Obaseki was trying to return our party to the era where political decisions were reached through force, intimidation, and violence,” one of them said on the line with a low voice as he struggled with the elastic band of the nose mask strapped tight around his ears.

“Leaving the party for me was the best thing. Mr. Obaseki had become a figure of division and quarrel but now that he has left, we can feel the restoration of peace and our party is now ready for victory,” he concluded.

Another middle-aged woman whose pristine membership card testified to the great care with which she had managed it since she received it years ago said “we are largely a peace-loving people. That is why we found it strange that a governor we elected because the party brought him to us started assembling thugs and was asking people to attack others over their political support. 

This party gained our support with its achievement and promise of a better future. We hope that now that Obaseki has left, our new representative will win the election and return to fulfilling that promise. These past four years have been a nightmare that we all want to wake up from.”

A young member of the party, predictably in his 20s, who actively joined in the process of echoing instructions to the people for full compliance had a lot to say when approached.

“Look at me, I was a beneficiary of the scholarship and bursary schemes of Comrade before Obaseki came,” he began. “But today, that scholarship has been shut down and this government has not paid a single dime as bursaries since its emergence. 

The Governor told us he has increased IGR but still insisted there is no money for scholarships. What happened to the increment? He has no money for scholarship, but there is enough for him to prosecute a political war and hire private jets for luxurious travels.”

“He wants violence so he can discredit the process and paint his rejection as a contrived reality. But we are committed to exposing his deceit to the people. We will organize peacefully, vote without rancor, and express in the clearest terms that Edo people have rejected Obaseki and his ways, and we cannot wait to put him the past,” he concluded as he replied ‘hailings’ from another party member who, after voting, marched with obvious excitement home.

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