Pastor arrested for rubbing olive oil on church member's vagina, clitoris

The founder and leader of Faith Word Church International at Nii Boi Town in Accra has been arrested by the police for allegedly rubbing olive oil in the vagina and on the clitoris of his church member.

Pastor Edmond Kakrae Agyei, according to the Tesano police, claimed he was casting out evil spirits that had possessed the victim by applying the oil in her private part.

After the act, the pastor allegedly attempted to rape the victim but she reportedly shouted for help and managed to escape.

Pastor Edmond Kakrae Agyei has provisionally been charged for indecent assault and breach of trust.

The Tesano Divisional Crime Officer, DSP Aba-Afari, who confirmed the incident to DAILY GUIDE, said the victim is an 18-year-old Senior High School graduate who fellowships with her parents in that church.

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