The 5G Technology
The 5G Network is going to revolutionize the world. The transition to 5G will not only see lightning fast internet speeds, but it will allow other technologies to reach their full potential. 5G will also facilitate the growth of the internet of things. This is part of the UN 2030 agenda to build sustainable and smart cities. Ultimately, anything that can be connected – will be connected.
Although 5G is superior technology, it is linked to harmful radiation. Since 5G is constructed using low-frequency bands, it will require copious amounts of antenna transmitters, at every 60 feet. Exposure to wireless radiation increases the rates of cancer, brain tumors, and cardiovascular disease. All of this toxic radiation is going to cause DNA damage and genetic mutations. Some even believe this technology will lead to the end of the human race.
But why would the ruling class create an environment to kill us? The agenda is to merge man with machine. By creating an environment that will kill us, people will be ready to accept their solution. They intend to create a race of post-humans or H+. What the H+ represents is the planet Saturn, which rules during the Age of Aquarius and Capricorn. These occultists believe modern man is the 5th or 6th root race, and that man needs to evolve into the next level, during the soon coming Aeon of Aquarius. Those who refuse the upgrade will be killed, one way or another. But Christians should not seek Satan's counterfeit, as it is an unforgivable sin. Instead, Christians should look forward to receiving their new glorified bodies in the resurrection.
Although 5G is superior technology, it is linked to harmful radiation. Since 5G is constructed using low-frequency bands, it will require copious amounts of antenna transmitters, at every 60 feet. Exposure to wireless radiation increases the rates of cancer, brain tumors, and cardiovascular disease. All of this toxic radiation is going to cause DNA damage and genetic mutations. Some even believe this technology will lead to the end of the human race.
But why would the ruling class create an environment to kill us? The agenda is to merge man with machine. By creating an environment that will kill us, people will be ready to accept their solution. They intend to create a race of post-humans or H+. What the H+ represents is the planet Saturn, which rules during the Age of Aquarius and Capricorn. These occultists believe modern man is the 5th or 6th root race, and that man needs to evolve into the next level, during the soon coming Aeon of Aquarius. Those who refuse the upgrade will be killed, one way or another. But Christians should not seek Satan's counterfeit, as it is an unforgivable sin. Instead, Christians should look forward to receiving their new glorified bodies in the resurrection.
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