N-Power: Transcribed Live Facebook Chat with the SSA to the President on Job Creation

Here is a transcribed version of the live chat the Senior Special Assistance to the President made on Facebook for Npower Beneficiaries/applicants last night at around 8pm on Tuesday 8th, 2017.

We have visited 18 states since the month of April,your memories will remain for a life time.Thanks for the many gifts we received from you guys.Those states we are yet to visit,please stay tuned,at some point in the year,we are going to visit.
We are going to be discussing about the holiday period,we know for Nhealth and Nagro,they have no holidays.Well done to Nteach beneficiaries,we know you guys have been working tirelesly. I must commend some of you,i actually saw a post where some of you were taking it to the next level,actually digitizing your school results,where your students can actually get their result by email.That is the spirit of Npower,thats what Npower is all about,making the difference.
To those 2016 Npower beneficiaries on holidays,kindly note that you shouldn't be on holiday,this is because we still pay you.You must have heard of the proverb "IT TAKES A VILLAGE"

This is really an African proverb attributed to African cultures.The whole concep is about wholesomeness,  communal effort.That is what i want to admonished the Nteach volunteers who are currently observing the holidays,that this shouldn't be the time to watch movies all day or sleep longer hours.I encourage you to use this period to focus on what you can do or give  back to bring about change in your community.Some of you may put extra curriculum classes for your students,you may also want to form some sport club.Just think of what you can do to make an impact in your community.We know in some schools there are arrangement for summer camps,holiday camps and the rest of it,we also encourage you to volunteer,give out your time,if there are volunteering job in your community,we plead that you join them.
At the end of the holiday or at some point in your holidays,we will love to get your feedback,lets hear what you have done during your holidays......get us your report. Always remember that the Npower program puts your future into your hands and i think that no other person should be desirous of taking their personal development more than you do and all of the volunteer hours that you are raking ,all of the impact full opportunities you look for in your community cannot minus from you,it is an addition.Lets begin to actualize the new Nigeria that we all dream about and lets begin to act it not individually but communally.Form clusters with your fellow colleagues,those in Nagro can come together and go help just about anyone in their farm.Inline with this, it is really important to talk about what becomes of you after the Npower program.We are already in the 9th month of the program,which literally mean you have 15 more months,so this should be the time you are already harnessing certain skill competencies.a time you should be exploring all the material we put on the portal about entrepreneurship opportunities.
This is the time to use some of your savings from the monthly stipends to make something out of it.You  must think outside the box.Whatever business you have in mind,this is the time and here are some of it just so you dont have any in mind.
Please take your work seriously,lets remember that Npower is about learning,learning from your pupils,patients and farmers in your community. Don't wait till you get your device before you learn.
There are lots of benefit when you work,Those that distinguish themselves in their work are setting the pace for a positive consideration at the end of the program.


In whatever you do,you should believe in #PASSIONTOPROFIT. So in whatever business opportunity you choose to do,there should be passion,you should have the passion for it,so to excel and make profit.But this doesn't and shouldn't stop you from performing actively on your duty as an Npower volunteer.What this mean is, there is a time to learn,applying what you have learnt and when its time to explore entrepreneurship opportunity,clearly do the same. You should be able to balance all three,no one suffers.And these ar all what makes you a successful Npower volunteer.

We are sorry,we have not been able to update you on device delivery,clearly we have been working behind the scene to make sure we have a hitch free device distribution.We have assurance from Bank Of Industry that by the end of this week,we should be able to distribute the device to those of you around lagos and abuja metropolis.The watch word is to be calm and dont fall for any fake news out there,we will contact you.I think by next week,we will be having a few more states coming on board for device delivery.We will make sure we maximize the month of august to ramp up as many state and as many device that we have received.
List of devices available
Afri one
Floss signature
Zinox PAD
There are slight delays in tecno and other device not mentioned.

We have started paying July stipends and we aware that those using First bank are having issues,we sincerely apologise,we will cross check again and when confirm we would start payment.

The Npower program is primarily Nteach,Nhealth and Nagro but this year,in partnership with the federal ministry of finance, a new component was introduced called Ntax,which about 200,000 persons applied.
SELECTION PROCESS FOR NTAX - We needed to fast track the process but also there have been some logistics challenges,we will give you updates on that soon.On Ntax,we handled the application,the bvn validation and the test,The other aspect is clearly from the Federal Ministry of Finance.But be rest assured that the Npower program is transparent but it is a competition,as you know,many will apply ,some will be chosen.What we are doing is encouraging our govt agencies across board who do need human resources  like volunteers either full time/part time to consider this pipeline of ready and available Nigerian youths.So we are doing everything on your behalf and we would always keep you updated.