UBTH Clubfoot clinic holds a parley with PHC Cordinators

The Clubfoot Clinic of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital observed the World Clubfoot Day by holding a parley with Primary Health Care Coordinators from the Local Government Areas in Edo State.

The event, powered by Miracle Feet/The Straight Child Foundation had The Executive Secretary, Primary Health Development Agency,

Dr Omosigho Izedonmwen as Chairman. Dr. Osasuyi Enoma represented the Head, Orthopaedic Department, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital and Dr. O.P. Oyakhilome, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon is the Coordinator of the Clubfoot Clinic in UBTH and Chief host of the event.
Resident doctors from the Orthopaedic Surgery department, students of Orthopaedic Caste Technology of Institute of Health Sciences, UBTH and other non medical personnels were at the event which held at the Conference Hall, DA Civic Centre, Airport Road, Benin City.

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