Edo Assembly effects change in name of Edo University

Edo State House of Assembly on Monday effected change in the name of Edo University, Iyamho, now to be known as Edo State University, Uzairue.

The development was sequel to a letter from the State Governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki, fowarding fifteen copies of the bill for a law to amend Edo State University Law number 4, 2020, to the House for consideration and amendment.           

The House  dissolved into the committee of the whole for the purpose of amendment of the Edo University Law where it considered the enactment, citation, clause by clause and other aspects of the bill.

Giving a progress report after the consideration of the law  to amend Edo State University Law number 4 of 2020, the Speaker, Hon.Marcus Onobun,  directed the clerk to give the bill its third reading while clean copies of the bill be forwarded to the State Governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki, for his assent.

Another letter by Governor Obaseki fowarding 15 copies of  a bill for a law to provide for a framework for promotion, coordination, propagation, monitoring and regulation of investment in Edo State for the establishment of Edo State Investments Promotion Office and for other related matters was slated for consideration on a later date.

Also, considered was the report of the House Standing Committee on Education on a bill for a law to establish the Edo State College of Education and purposes connected therewith  at the committee of a whole.

The College of Education will have three(3) campuses with it's headquarters in Igueben while the two other campuses will be in Afuze and Abudu.

The bill was accorded a third reading before the Speaker directed that clean copies of the bill be sent to Governor Obaseki for his assent.

A report of the House Standing Committee on Environment for consideration of a bill for a law to establish a body corporate to be known as  "Edo State Signage and Advertisement Agency and to confer functions relating to the regulation of outdoor structures and platforms used for display advertisement in Edo State and for  purposes connected therewith" was also deferred for consideration on a later date.

Under Personal explanations the Deputy Speaker,  Hon. Roland Asoro, appreciated the Speaker, members and staff of the Assembly for identifying with him when he buried his mother-in-law while the member representing Orhionmwon East Constituency, Hon. Nosayaba Okunbor, commended the House for the show of love during the funeral of his late mother.

The Speaker and members while bringing plenary session to a close congratulated the Chairman House Committee on Budget and Appropriation who also doubles as the Deputy Whip, Hon. Aluebhosele on his birthday which comes up on Tuesday, December 15th, 2020.

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