Use lockdown period to form strong bond with your parents, Nigerian man advises varsity students

The worldwide spread of Coronavirus, no doubt has put severe pressure on the Federal Government and Nigerian universities in an attempt to contain its spread and upsurge in infection rate.

Nigerian varsity students returning home due to Coronavirus pandemic 

A good number of Nigerian students have been affected as school authorities advised they should stay at home while lectures and other academic activities have been suspended indefinitely.

To help varsity students cope with life under lockdown and influence of their parents, a Nigerian man identified as Kosi Ugo has taken to the Social media to advise students to see the period as an opportunity to create lasting bond with their parents.

According to him, the lockdown period is not the time to 'press phone' at home, but a time to assist parents in whatever capacity to cushion the effect of Coronavirus pandemic as many may have lost their source of income.

Hear him:

"Top of the morning to you guys!
So, I've been getting a couple of messages of recent where people keep complaining that their parents are driving them crazy during this lockdown.

"As someone who has studied and understands African Parents, I want to share some quick nuggets with you on how you can cope with your parents during this period.
One of the reasons I decided to stay back and not go home, is to avoid having clashes and issues with my parents.

"The truth is that if you're not yet financially free to contribute to running the family's expenses, you are always going to be subjected to being treated like a child.
It's the truth; if e pain you, go and make money and start sharing in the responsibilitie
s; then, watch how you'll be treated like the Messiah. I've been there before, so I know what I'm talking about.

"That's why I chose to remain back in my own house where I have the freedom to do whatever I want without being questioned.

"But staying back here came with a clause;
I have to feed myself and it doesn't come easy. There are days where I spend over 2000 naira a day on food. Where that money is coming from, I don't know, but calculate about 60000 naira a month multiple by 5. That's a whopping 300000 naira! So next time you think of leaving your parent's house, think of all the expenses they've been saving you.

"Now you've realised that you're too broke to fend for yourself if you decide to be a rebel like me and not go home, there are things you must do to ensure you live happily under the roof of elderly persons who don't subscribe to a lot of things.

"First of all;
Learn To Obey Their Rules And Regulations.
In my house, family prayer starts by 6am. And for a guy like me who rarely sleeps at night, 6am is the time when I'm drifting into the other world. So, imagine someone coming to my door to knock, that it's time for prayers. The days I don't go for prayers, I'll be called names like Armageddon or the Antichrist - small rebel like me ooo!

"I-have-not-been-to-church-in-the-past-three-years is not when I'm at home. Once I'm there, I dress up like everyone else and attend service together. Sometimes, it's my turn to lead morning devotion and I do it with all diligence; or where do you think I got the name Father Koko from?

"What I'm saying in essence is that those things you don't like doing should not apply when you're under your parents roof. Go to church. Come out for prayers when it's time. Anytime you leave the house, make sure you're back by 6pm... Obey their rules and regulations so as to avoid direct confrontations with them.

"Stop Pressing Your Phone When They Are In Sight.
I don't know, but there's this thing that goes on in the mind of an African Parent when they see you pressing your phone. To avoid questions like "Are you sure you read your books in school?" Or "You spend too much time on your phone," try to leave your device when you're with them. Once you go back to your room, you can resume pressing.
Avoid Direct Confrontations With Them.

"No matter how much you try to play by the rules, African parents will still find a way to get on your nerves. Please, when this happens, ensure you keep your cool and play it calm. When they are talking, don't talk. When they are shouting and blowing things out of proportion, don't shout back. When they are talking to you, don't walk out; listen to what they have to say and add a thank you at the end if possible.

"These are the general issues I could think of. You should also understand that you're not the only one feeling this way too; people across the globe are frustrated and they wish to go back to their normal lives.
The best you can do for your self and mental wellness is to look for what makes you happy.

"Try to get closer to your siblings by conversing with them and doing things like tik-tok videos. Watch TV shows with the family; take for example, Africa Magic turnup Friday and Owambe are exciting shows you can watch with your family. Bring up trending issues to discuss and let your loved ones air their opinion.

"Use this opportunity to form a very strong and lasting bond with them. It's not everytime you must be in your room. Come out and spend time with your family. Participate in house chores and always try to help out where you can. Sometimes, you could use your own money and make breakfast for everyone. Acts like this strengthens relationship and bond you guys better.

"My name is Father Figure and I always want to see you prosper."

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