U.N warns Israeli-Palestinian situation facing watershed moment

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Wednesday that the Israeli-Palesti
nian situation is facing a “watershed moment” over Israel’s annexation plans.

“If implemented, annexation would constitute a most serious violation of international law, grievously harm the prospect of a two-state solution and undercut the possibilities of a renewal of negotiations,” the U.N. chief told a meeting of the Security Council. “I call on the Israeli government to abandon its annexation plans.”

Israel's new coalition government, sworn in one month ago and led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, says it plans to start annexing as early as next Wednesday about 30% of the West Bank, as laid out in the Trump administration’s peace plan, including Israeli settlements and areas populated mainly by Palestinians. The government’s plan does not have the full support of the Israeli public.

Guterres reaffirmed that a lasting resolution to the decades-old conflict must be in line with international law, relevant U.N. resolutions and bilateral agreements.
“I will continue to consistently speak out against any unilateral steps that would undermine peace and the chances for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through meaningful negotiations,” he said.

Guterres spoke at the monthly discussion on the conflict in the Security Council, which was held in a virtual format, due to the suspension of in-person meetings at the U.N. complex in New York because of COVID-19.