Implementation guidelines for containment of COVID-19 in Nigeria


30th April, 2020


*Further to the pronouncement of Mr. President in the broadcast of* *Monday, 27th April,
*2020, in which he* *directed the* *Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 to provide* *implementation guidelines on the new measures to control COVID-19 pandemic, the* *following are hereby issued for:*
*- General Information to the Public;*
*- Guidance to States and Security Agencies; and*
*- Description of the types of activities allowed under* *Phase 1 (4th -17th May, 2020)*


2. Following improvements in the multisectoral response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
pandemic, the Federal Government of Nigeria has decided that there will be a phased and
gradual easing of the lockdown in Lagos and Ogun States as well as the Federal Capital
Territory (FCT) effective from Monday, 4th May, 2020.

3. The easing of the lockdown will be characterised by the following enforceable actions:
• The mandatory use of non-medical face mask/covering for all persons while in public
spaces. Latex hand gloves should not be worn except for specific medical purposes;
• The mandatory provision of handwashing facilities/sanitizers in all public places;
• All interstate travel is prohibited except for essential travels & services, such as:
transportation of agricultural products, petroleum products, relief items, goods,
commodities related to the COVID-19 response and persons on essential duty;
• Mass gathering of more than 20 people outside of a workplace is prohibited;
• There will be controlled access to markets and locations of economic activities;
• Mandatory temperature checks will be conducted in public spaces;
• Social distancing of 2 metres must be maintained between people in workplaces and other public spaces;
• Retention of the ban on all passenger flights;
• Religious gatherings are still restricted; and
• Mandatory supervised isolation of person(s) arriving from outside the country for at least 14 days.

General Rules and Regulations
• Anyone who presents a temperature of above 380C will be mandated to return home and call NCDC for evaluation;
• Anyone without a face mask/covering will be asked to return home and will be prosecuted;
• Anyone violating the curfew in a non-emergency situation will be prosecuted;
• Anyone attending a gathering of more than 20 people will be prosecuted;
• Institutions that fail to comply with these protocols and guidelines will be prosecuted; and
• Any member of the public who violates the ban on Inter-State movement as outlined in this guideline will be prosecuted.

Activity Recommendations & Obligation of Operators

PHASE 1 4th -17th May 2020

Curfew  Imposition of overnight curfew nationwide from 8pm to 6am

General movement
i. May go out for work, to buy necessary foods and for exercise
ii. Movement between LGAs (except metropolitan areas) is strongly discouraged unless for critical reasons such as healthcare and work
iii. Avoid unnecessary contact with people
iv. Mandatory use of face mask/coverings in public

Inter-state travel
(Across State borders)
All inter-state travel for supply chain & services allowed, such as: goods, agro-products with a limited capacity of accompanying personnel, petroleum products, relief items, supplies, construction supplies, registered courier services (DHL, FedEx, etc) and security services

Intra-state travel (public transport- buses, tricycles, taxis)
(Within State borders):
i. Ensure provision of hand sanitizers to all passengers
ii. Reduce occupancy to half for buses (maximum 50% of usual occupancy)
iii. Mandatory Use of face mask/coverings
iv. Mandatory temperature checks
v. Taxis to carry only 4 persons (driver and 3 persons)
vi. Tricycles to carry only 3 persons (driver and 2 persons)
vii. Daily motor park sanitation
viii. Travel should be between 6.00am and 6.00pm

Bus stop/motor park
i. Provide hand washing facilities
ii. Maintain social distancing
iii. Mandatory Use of face mask /coverings
iv. Mandatory temperature checks
v. Provide hand sanitizers and hand washing
vi. Should only open between 6.00am and 6.00pm

Agriculture & Rural development
i. Mandatory use of face masks and social distancing
ii. Persons above age of 65 years and those with underlying chronic illness e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure are advised to remain at home
iii. Trucks bearing agricultural and animal products to be allowed easy passage
iv. Companies involved in food processing can commence operation
v. Ensure provision of hand sanitizers and hand washing facilities

Construction sites (large and small), Public Works
i. Limit number to maintain social distancing
ii. Construction of critical roads to resume
iii. Waivers to be provided by State Govts to enable movement
iv. Mandatory use of face masks/coverings
v. Provide hand sanitizers and hand washing facilities
vi. Open between 6.00am and 6.00pm

Banks and other financial institutions
i. Ensure provision of hand sanitizer to all employees and customers
ii. Limit staff physically working in the office to between 30% to 50%
iii. Limit number of customers to allow social distancing
iv. Mandatory Use of face mask/coverings
v. Encourage online banking
vi. Mandatory temperature checks
vii. Open between 8.00am and 2.00pm

Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical industries, pharmacy shops
i. Ensure provision of sanitizer and hand washing facilities
ii. Limit staff working to between 30-50% to maintain social distancing
iii. Shift work is encouraged; pharmacy shops may remain open overnight
iv. Mandatory use of face masks/coverings

Government offices /other corporate offices and entities
i. Ensure provision of hand sanitizer to all employees and customers
ii. Limit staff physically working in the office to between 30% to 50%
iii. Government staff limited to essential workers and those from GL 14-17 on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays
iv. Limit number of customers to allow social distancing
v. Mandatory use of face masks/coverings
vi. Encourage work from home policy
vii. Mandatory temperature checks
viii. Offices to open between 8.00am and 2.00pm

Neighbourhood Markets
i. Ensure provision of sanitizer and hand washing facilities
ii. Control entry to reduce number to ensure social distancing
iii. Mandatory use of face masks/coverings
iv. Temperature checks
v. Local authorities to determine date and time for opening of the neighborhood markets not more than 3 times a week
vi. Warehouses to open on neighbourhood market days to serve shops
vii. Abattoirs to open three days a week
viii. Ensure strict sanitation compliance
ix. Time of opening 8.00a.m. – 3.00p.m.

i. Ensure provision of sanitizer and hand washing facilities
ii. Limit number of customers to allow social distancing
iii. Mandatory use of face masks/coverings
iv. Ensure handwashing
v. Mandatory temperature checks
vi. Open 8.00a.m.-3.00p.m.

i. Not open to the public, encourage home delivery
ii. To remain closed to eat-in, until further evaluation
iii. Allow social distancing always
iv. Eateries to practice the takeaway system
v. Open 8.00a.m.-3.00p.m.

Clubs, Bars, Beer Parlors, Gardens, etc
i. To remain closed
ii. The use of recreational parks, communal sports, concerts, social parties, movie theatres are suspended until further notice

Academic institutions and Social engagements
i. All schools to remain closed till further evaluation
ii. Schools are encouraged to continue with e-learning and visual teaching
3. State Governments and Security Agencies are enjoined to ensure effective and strict enforcement of these guidelines.
4. The level of compliance with these guidelines will be reviewed in 2 weeks before additional guidelines for phase 2 is issued.

Boss Mustapha
Secretary to the Government of the Federation

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