Entering into your expectation through the gate

“And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple.” (Acts 3:2)

The man in the above Scripture was being garaged at the gate because of the wickedness of men. 

There was no law stopping them from carrying him inside the temple. When you study the Scriptures, you will discover that Christ healed lame people inside the temple. 

They got inside because they had people who carried them inside. But the case of this man was different because for 20 years, he was being carried by fake sympathizers who limited him to the gate. They dumped him like garbage at the gate while they go inside. 

I tried to find out the reason why they left the lame man at the gate because I discovered there was no law stopping them from taking him inside. By implication, they were only manipulating the destiny of the lame man.

Do you know that there are people living today who have not experienced any positive change in the past 20 years? In life the only constant thing is change. 

It is an error!  But I have heavenly mandate to prophesy on your life: “That situation will change for the best in Jesus name!” 

Anybody responsible for dumping you at the gate, may heaven dump them at the gate. They will see you go beyond the gate because you will enter and they will remain at the gate.  

They carry out this evil enterprise by witchcraft manipulation. Sometimes, it is by human manipulation. There are young people who are supposed to have finished university but are still struggling to enter. 

You have been garaged at the gate. I am glad to tell you that God will not keep you at the gate.  

Words of Wisdom: Jehovah has empowered you to enter your expectation.

Prayer and confession: In the name of Jesus, I enter my expectation.  Everything around my life that represents a spiritual gate, be destroyed by fire. Amen!

Further reading: Luke 4:33-36.

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