3 vital steps for a successful public speaking

There was a girl who had prepared to recite a memory verse during a children’s rally. She had learnt the memory verse and was prepared. The day came and it was her turn to climb the stage but as she got on the stage and saw the many faces staring right back at her, she shrunk in her heart and as she started her recitation, she continued in tears.

She finished the recitation quite alright but as a disappointment to her Aunty who watched her the whole time. 

Of course, the story was told at home and it wasn’t a good story that her family wanted to hear. Fast forward to years later, that girl has addressed hundreds and thousands of persons in different types of gatherings.

That girl is me!

I know some people both old and young still experience this stage fright as well as the lack of command during a speech presentation in different spheres. One major issue is that people take with them the fear of the unknown to their presentations and so are cumbered by different suggestions in their minds as they see faces and their accompanying expressions.

I will like to share three things you can do to become a good public speaker irrespective of the size and sphere of the audience.
        Believe in yourself;
        Research on the topic and increase your knowledge on it;
        Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!

Trust me, there are other things which can help you become better or be  a great public speaker and I will share more of them as well as some of my experiences later on.

However, one thing you should know is that the more you make appearances, the better you become at it. Running away from the issue never solves the problem. It is important that you take a bold step to start because there are many lives waiting for your impact.

It is time to rise and Shine (Isaiah 60:1)

Osayuwame Aladeselu, Focal Person, Edo Social Investment Programme writes from Benin.

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