IMSU students escape death in auto accident

A white Coastal bus belonging to Winners Chapel was involved in a collision with a silver Toyota Sienna of Anambra State government at Imo State University, Owerri (IMSU) Backgate, Aladinma Extension.

The white Coastal bus, it was gathered, which was conveying IMSU students and was headed for Winners Chapel State Headquarters, Owerri took off from Mega Lodge, Okwu-Uratta and headed for Owerri Club to pick more student worshippers when the accident occured.

An eye witness who pleaded anonymity while confirming the accident and narrating what transpired continued that the white Coastal bus was about negotiating a bend and making a U-turn around Merit Junction when an on-coming silver Toyota Sienna that was headed for MCC ran into the white bus.

The side-collision occured around 9:20am.

No live was lost however both vehicles were austerely damaged. Unfortunately, a female passenger in the silver Toyota Sienna had a dislocated wrist.

The white Coastal bus was still at the accident scene as of time of filing this report.

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