How Christianity brought laziness and poverty to Zambia

Economic failures have given birth to too many Religious sects, many pastors are seeking Poverty easing today. Why is it that most religious countries are the poorest and most corrupt? While less Christian countries are the richest and least corrupt.
Thieves and magicians now masquerading as men of God using Christianity to entrench oppression of Zambian people.

All our leaders are now God fearing even those that are not Christian inside are forced to pretend to be CHRISTIANS for them to be elected leaders.

Our problems are physical not spiritual don't be ROBOTIC THINKERS.These pastors pray for dirty. (cholera outbreak) and demonize their own dirty and accuse Satan of being behind the outbreak. The some disorganized Christian family want  to unite politicians who simply use the name of God to ascend to power.

Zambia has more churches than Schools , Hospitals and Universities combined.Yet moral decay is at its highest level. Christianity has destroyed zambia because it hinders thinking completely, Poverty of ideas and high degree of insensitivity is the order of the day.

No weapon formed against Christians Wil prosper, unfortunately poverty and slavery of Mind has prospered. Even the clergy are prospering at the expense of the poor ignorant Christians.

Pentecostal Churches have contributed so much to high levels of poverty and laziness among Men and Women in our country.

Pastors and prophets are inciting people to believe only in miracle Jobs,money and connection. Hence every aspect ( price) that comes with laziness is an act of Demonic power in someone's life. Reasoning is replaced with FAITH. ( PRAYER ) How do you develop as a Nation?

Pastors drive posh cars while the prayer warriors don't won a bicycle and they are told  God's time is the best while their leaders do not wait for God's time to live better life.

Pastors live heaven here on earth while members are told only Jesus Wil end their suffering. People can no longer differentiate between a motivational speakers, pastor and a politicians.

Poor Christians are protected by wrist bands, holy water, anointing oil and bandanas but to my surprise their leaders are protected by security guards by their side every time. Does it mean men of God are protected by human being while poor members not?

Christianity in zambia has not translated into lower corruption nor improved economic conditions. wake up and see the dark corner of zambia being a Christian nation.

By Malama Stanley SG EEP

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