20 Things You Must Know About Christianity

1.Church is rightly translated as assembly and not church- a word which insinuates a building instead. You don’t go to church, WE ARE THE CHURCH. Leave those who don’t go to buildings every Sunday alone, focus on more important things.
The Bible is a collection of writings put together by Catholics as authorized and paid for by a pagan Emperor named Constantine; it is not a book that one day fell from heaven. If you absolutely trust man, pagans and Catholics, then go ahead and accept the Bible as the 100% complete word of God. Good luck.
The Sabbath day is fixed as “THE” Sabbath day and not movable as “A” Sabbath day. The day you were born is fixed as “THE” day you were born, it is obviously not movable as “A” day you were born, that makes sense right? Not rocket science at all.

Because it has no meaning, Jesus is just a word and not a name. However, the Father will answer your prayers if you used to genuinely pray and in the name of Jesus because he looks at intentions before acts, but remember still, he who knows the good to do and does not do it, to him, it is sin. Be wise.
The true meaning of faith is holding on to what you “KNOW” God can and will do and not holding on to what you “FEEL AND THINK” God can and will do. So having faith is therefore a function of knowledge rather than one of wishful thinking. Faith is Trust and no one will trust a person they don’t know. Start with finding out the true name of your so-called personal Lord and savior.
The true doctrine of the trinity speaks about one single God revealed in 3 forms and not 1 Godhead of 3 persons. The church’s doctrine of the trinity is not really a mystery that cannot be understood, it is a lie that cannot be explained.
Priest is a title for any believer and not one reserved for a special group of robe and round-collar-shirt-wearing people in the church.
Tithe is scripturally food to the poor (Levites/priests, strangers, fatherless and widows) and not money to the pastor. Kindly give your pastor salad next Sunday and see how he reacts.
Judaism was never the way of God; it is a creation of the Pharisees- cooked up by the perversion of the laws of Moses. Understand that Christ never practiced Judaism, he simply kept the laws of Moses- two different things folks. Ever wondered how the Pharisees always claimed no one kept the law like they did but yet Christ wanted nothing to do with them?
Apostle is a title reserved only for any of the 12 disciples sent to build the church as qualified by Peter’s divine requirements and not one for just anyone who happens to like the title. Even Paul was not truly an Apostle. Yea I know that came as a shock.
Testament is rightly translated covenant and not testament- a word which insinuates proof rather than relationship as it should. It was consequently therefore easy for Christians to be deceived by the word “NEW TESTAMENT”, they saw this as a “NEW PROOF” of the existence of God so that the old was no longer needed- they forgot that God does not change. Guess how many Christians will fall flat if new sets of books are authorized, released and called “THE BEST TESTAMENT”.
Law is rightly translated as instruction and not law- a word which insinuates burden instead. This is why when Christians hear the word law; they relate it to headache, issues, wahala and stress. But don’t be scared, the instructions are easier to live by than you were taught.
The true meaning of Brethren is “ANYONE WHO KEEPS THE INSTRUCTIONS/LAW” and not anyone who merely calls themselves Christian. If the Lord did identify himself with obedient strangers, rejecting his own biological family as brethren because they hadn’t fully woken up to following his ways, then you have no right to allow any Christian use the “do not despise fellowship with the brethren line“ to deceive you into fellowshipping with their disobedient cunning selves.
The true meaning of grace is “ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO DO RIGHT AND KEEP THE INSTRUCTIONS/LAW”; it is not “the opposite and replacement of instruction/law”. So every single time you hear a Christian say “we are now under the dispensation of grace and not law”, the fellow is simply proving to you how immature they are mentally and theologically. It appears a lot of “MEN OF GOD” are still this immature but thumbs up to Sherry Shriner and Mr Femi Aribisala.
The 7 feasts of Leviticus are said to be God’s feasts and not Jewish feasts. Christians would applaud the Jews for keeping God’s feasts but won’t accord the Jews their earned reward for keeping those feasts; they rather steal Abraham’s blessings for themselves without doing what it actually takes to be beneficiaries of Abraham’s blessings. Where I come from we call that laziness, selfishness and hypocrisy.
16. LOVE
Love is dictated by the instructions/law and not by our heart. Stop telling people to follow their hearts when you already know the scripture had said the heart is desperately wicked. Don’t be wicked.
Old Testament is to original covenant as New Testament is to the original covenant “RENEWED- NOT REPLACED”. The father is not testing out laws to see which ones work and which ones don’t, he is continually and gradually revealing one law “TO PRECISION” as we grow in him and become mature enough to keep it. The private part remains the private part alright, to a baby we call it nice low profile names but to the adults we call it just what it is. Christians need to grow up in understanding and get real.
The true meaning of fulfill is “TO PERFECT OR RENEW” and not “to destroy or do away with”. Christians should be talking about learning the transitional relationship between the unfulfilled instructions and the fulfilled one because there exists no disconnect between the two like they think. There is really no standalone new testament and no standalone new law but only “A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF THE ORIGINAL TESTAMENT AND LAW”.
The true meaning of Christian is “NOT ONE REFERRING TO SOMEONE WHO IS KNOWINGLY CHRISTLIKE” but one referring to “SOMEONE WHO BELIEVES THEY ARE CHRISTLIKE”. The moment you realize that the very first Christians were called such by people who never knew Christ because these so called Christians were imitating a preacher who himself never met Christ, only then will you understand the problem.
Christ refers to “THE MESSIAH” and mass (being purely a Catholic concept) according to the Catholic encyclopedia pg. 537 means “SUPREME ACT OF WORSHIP CONSISTS ESSENTIALLY IN AN OFFERING OF A WORTHY VICTIM TO GOD, THE OFFERING MADE BY A PROPER PERSON, AS A PRIEST, THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VICTIM ”. So Christmas has nothing whatsoever to do with the birth of Christ but rather his murder. When you say “Merry Christmas”, you are being merry that Christ is destroyed – good-riddance-to-bad-rubbish style.
Perfecting your Christian faith is learning the true meanings of the words you use to establish, teach and argue doctrine. Please be warned that perfecting your Christian faith will inevitably push you in the head right out of the churches. That’s just what it is- it’s tradition vs. truth, the choice is always yours.

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