Chinese Firm to Help Nurture Local ICT Talents in Nigeria

Abuja — Chinese technology firm Huawei has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Nigerian government to assist the country in nurturing its local talents in information and communications technology (ICT). The leading global ICT solutions provider, while signing the agreement with the Nigerian government on Tuesday, said it aims to promote knowledge transfer, improve people's interest in and understanding of the telecom industry through its "Seeds For The Future" initiative. The agreement will give Nigerian government officials the benefit of partaking in the "Seeds For The Future" program, Huawei's flagship corporate social responsibility project since 2008, the ICT firm said in a statement released in Abuja. The company is launching the program for Africa's most populous country at a time the Nigerian government is pushing hard to deepen ICT uptake, penetration and use, especially through discovering and training of young talents and government officials in ICT-related areas who are viewed as the hope of the country's future. Nigeria, with a population of over 170 million people, shows demographics of young population of around 50 percent. Huawei said it is desirous of promoting the ICT industry for the development of Nigeria through innovation and self-reliance for development. Commenting on the MoU signing, secretary to the Nigerian government, Babachir David Lawal, said the authorities recognize the acquisition and development of ICT skills as a major contributor to the success so far achieved in the ongoing fight against corruption, insecurity and insurgency. "It is also a major employment enabler and wealth generator for the teaming masses of unemployed Nigeria youths. I will therefore wish to assure Huawei of government's unflinching support for the success of this program and that the government is indeed very grateful," he added. Last April, 20 young Nigerians were sent to China to participate in "Seeds For The Future" (students) program during the first state visit to China of President Muhammadu Buhari. Ten Nigerian officials have been selected to participate in another batch of the program in China, designed particularly for officials.

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