The Secret of a Successful Service Year
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The Secret of a Successful Service Year |
This blog is special. It is about empowerment that works. Its is about providing you with the necessary information, tips, ideas, techniques to enable you achieve your full potential and live the life of your dreams. Moreso, providing you with information that is not reported by mainstream media. This particular post will set the basis of future posts that will go into details about some of the points and ideas presented here. I believe that it is only when we take responsibility for our lives that we can do something to improve it. You cannot change what you don't have control over.
Poverty is a mindset, so is wealth! Yes we live in a world where what we see influences what we are and what we become. It is also true that what we believe creates our reality. As infants, majority of us were exposed to negativity by our parents, friends, peers, authority figures like our teachers, uncles, and the media. What we heard, saw, read, imagined, watched especially during those years when our conscious mind was less developed (0-7years) we accepted as fact. These authority figures did meant well for us according to what they knew themselves, so they are not really to blame. However, at our adult age, we are still governed by those "facts of live" that had been ingrained deep in our subconscious mind and they come out "automatically" to defend us, to make sure we are safe from new ideas.
Majority of Nigerians are poor, not because there are no opportunities, but primarily because of poverty consciousness (mentality). We have all been programmed (and continue to be programmed) that rich people are evil, wicked, uncaring, dubious, devilish, unhappy, brutal, etc (fill in your own adjectives). Some even believe that those who are rich must have stolen it, got it through membership of cults and secret societies. Others see rich people as those who have taken what belongs to them. You see, the moment you have these beliefs, there is no way for you to be rich. Why? Because your subconscious will always protect you from these people and will sabotage every effort to be like the rich.
Envy is the easiest way to make wealth to fly away from you. Being a victim is also a way of making yourself poor. I learnt that there was a writeup that said that over 100m Nigerians are poor. It is actually an understatement. Why do you think that 95% or more of the world riches are owned by 5% or less people, in spite of every effort made to reduce the gap? Even in US where many people are classified as middle class, most of them are 2 months away from poverty as majority live on debts. The Nigerian situation is worse because of the endemic corruption. But people forget that the corruption is not just of the rich, but the poor are even more corrupt that the rich, the only difference is in how much is involved. Just be sincere and look at corruption in the Ministries - from the messenger to the clerk to the treasury officers to the Heads of depts ...... down to directors, perm secs, commissioners. You will agree with me that it is all in our minds, it is just the level or degree and when the right time and opportunity presents itself, we show what we are made off. It is only here in Nigeria where a woman will consume N850,000 on feeding every day just because she has an opportunity or a perm sec will carry N2b cash for himself, money belonging to his colleagues who have just retired. It is a mindset problem. These people are equally poor in spite of the huge amount of money they are exposed to. The inherent fear of poverty in their subconscious drives them to commit these crimes.
Now look at the poverty eradication programs that both the state, local and federal govts are carrying out? Why are they not working? I know you will say they govts are not serious and dont want them to work. But isn't it also possible that the poor are not ready to move to the rich status hence they continue to attract those who don't have the political will to bring genuine programs that will benefit them? We always attract the type of leaders that harmonizes with our own consciousness, that are in tune with our level of awareness.
I will predict something. The situation will not change in the fortunes of the poor in Nigeria UNTIL they themselves make a change to be rich from within them. No matter the programs initiated by any govt, it will not mean much to the poor until they eliminate their poverty mentality. That is the first step. And when they do that, a number of things will begin to happen:
1. They start seeing themselves are rich even in their present state
2. They start seeing all the opportunities which the poverty barge they were wearing did not allow them to see and start making use of the opportunity
3. They start attracting geniune leaders who have their interest at heart.
4. The new awareness will drive them to have the right values in life that will make them frown seriously at corruption and resist it strongly so that these group of leaders won't have it easy coming to power.
In this book: “The Secret of a Successful Service Year” we have specially arranged empowerment information that will enable the Corps Members take their own financial destiny in their very own hands rather than travelling to and fro for non-existence white collar job.
For more information on this; order this e-book or attend our serminal in Benin City and Portharcout or call Toll Free number: 07030732410
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