Here is how to apply for NPower Programme

Dear Intending N-Power 2020 Applicants,

Here is how to prepare for the N-Power application. 

Portal opens 11.45pm tonight - June 26th 2020, and all intending applicants can access the N-Power portal to apply for any of the sub-programmes.

We understand some people have attempted registration. Please NOTE that such registration is null and void. It doesn't count till the portal opens officially at 11.45pm tonight.

Application is FREE. Do NOT pay anyone to apply on the N-Power portal.

Get a printout or accurate details of your BVN.

Only Graduates can apply for N-Power Teach and N-Power Health.

Every other person, irrespective of their education level, can apply for the other programmes, including graduates.

The other programmes are:
N-Power Agro
N-Power Build
N-Power Creative
N-Power Tech.

Following instructions is a vital component of the 2020 N-Power Programme, and we are here to help as much as possible.


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